When it comes to refrigerator power consumption, people usually want to know just one thing: “What can I find to eat inside?” But equally important questions are detailed below.
Exactly how many watts is a refrigerator using on a typical day? For example, most people have units that operate (or “run”) for about eight total hours per day. But, if you do things like clean the coils, position the appliance correctly, keep it well-maintained, and set the right temperature, you can reduce the amount of time it runs to less than eight hours per day.
When it does run, it might use the same number of watts based on its design, the size of its motor, and other factors. But if you follow a few energy-saving and maintenance tips, you can reduce the total hours that your fridge runs on an average day.
First, figure out the number of watts, kilowatt-hours, and the monthly cost of running your fridge:
Of course, $27 per month is just an example but it’s pretty close to the national average cost to run a typical refrigerator. That’s a lot of money per year, $324 just for one appliance. What if there were ways to get your fridge to work more efficiently and run less than eight hours per day? What if you could do some things that caused it to run for only five, six, or seven hours per day? The answer is that you’d save a lot of money, that’s what. In fact, for every hour you can reduce your fridge’s operating time, you save $3.45 per month or $41,40 per year. And that’s for each hour that you reduce the operating time. It’s pretty clear that we should all do whatever we can to increase the efficiency of our refrigerators. Here are some time-tested strategies for getting your fridge into a more efficient mode:
Don’t feel bad if you can’t do everything on the list. Most people can only do a few of the items, but even making one step points you in the right direction of energy efficiency, saving money, and even giving a little boost to the environment along the way.
If you ran into some challenges with the above list when you tried to make your refrigerator more efficient, join the club. Maybe cleaning the coils was not so easy, or you just didn’t want to monkey around with the insides of the appliance. That’s understandable. For most homeowners, hiring a technician makes perfect sense. For a reasonable cost, you can have a repair person check on your refrigerator twice per year to make sure everything is running well, clean, oiled, and in top shape. That way, you’ll know that your appliance is doing its job efficiently.